-OEChem-03101014062D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 M END > 0 > Deposited Substance chemical structure was generated via Synonym(s) "68-12-2", "Dimethylformamide" and MeSH to be CID 6228 > 53788473 > 10 > Comparative Toxicogenomics Database > D004126 > The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) promotes understanding about the effects of environmental chemicals on human health by curating chemical-gene/protein interactions and chemical- and gene-disease relationships from the literature. Click on these links to find specific, curated data for this chemical at CTD: Genes and Proteins Chemical-Gene Interactions Pathways Depositor-supplied synonyms are taken from MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). > 68-12-2 D004126 Dimethylformamide Formamide, N,N-dimethyl- > 68-12-2 > D004126 > 9606 10114 10116 > 213 1543 1544 1571 2936 2941 2944 2950 4057 4353 8743 11657 13076 13077 13106 14782 14860 14862 14870 17002 17523 17969 18669 22035 24186 24296 24297 24300 24423 24426 24646 25086 79381 114553 116686 246775 247744 280717 280846 281345 281806 282213 282870 300850 301034 303413 327709 361523 378476 378894 378966 396051 396197 396625 396960 397649 398321 403103 403216 403550 406191 414856 415128 417467 448227 448843 460325 460852 461260 462771 464099 474939 475596 484787 487648 494010 503552 506406 507215 511206 533917 549395 554344 554345 554347 607700 609986 653361 678688 678694 694207 694451 700178 704892 714246 721704 743307 745723 745954 748680 771783 780489 100008803 100009195 100020715 100033944 100056597 100062285 100066422 100070920 100080942 100124318 100134857 100135512 100135513 100142673 100145341 100152910 100170113 100172368 100173813 100174145 100174544 100174780 100174789 100270810 100379163 100379232 > 10207612 10547960 11305777 12883083 15772367 18063697 > http://ctd.mdibl.org/ > http://ctd.mdibl.org/detail.go?type=chem&acc=D004126 > 6228 1 $$$$