# 1 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" ;cosyphpr ;avance-version (07/05/09) ;2D homonuclear shift correlation ;with presaturation during relaxation delay ;phase sensitive ; ;$CLASS=HighRes ;$DIM=2D ;$TYPE= ;$SUBTYPE= ;$COMMENT= # 1 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/Avance.incl" 1 ;Avance3.incl ; for AV III ; ;avance-version (07/12/14) ; ;$CLASS=HighRes Incl ;$COMMENT= ;$Id: Avance3.incl,v 2007/12/14 16:06:46 ber Exp $ # 14 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" 2 "d11=30m" "d12=20u" "d13=4u" "in0=inf1" "d0=in0/2-p1*2/3.1416-p0*2/3.1416" # 1 "mc_line 27 file /opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr expanding definition part of mc command before ze" define delay MCWRK define delay MCREST define loopcounter ST1CNT "ST1CNT = td1 / (2)" "MCWRK = 0.250000*d11" "MCREST = d11 - d11" dccorr # 27 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" 1 ze # 1 "mc_line 27 file /opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr expanding definition of mc command after ze" # 28 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" # 1 "mc_line 28 file /opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr expanding start label for mc command" 2 MCWRK * 2 LBLSTS1, MCWRK LBLF1, MCWRK MCREST # 29 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" 3 d12 pl9:f1 d1 cw:f1 ph29 d13 do:f1 d12 pl1:f1 p1 ph1 d0 p0 ph2 go=2 ph31 # 1 "mc_line 37 file /opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr expanding mc command in line" MCWRK wr #0 if #0 zd ip1 MCWRK ip29 lo to LBLSTS1 times 2 MCWRK id0 lo to LBLF1 times ST1CNT MCWRK # 38 "/opt/topspin216/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/cosyphpr" exit ph1=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ph2=0 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 ph29=0 ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 ;pl1 : f1 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;pl9 : f1 channel - power level for presaturation ;p0 : f1 channel - 20 to 90 degree high power pulse ;p1 : f1 channel - 90 degree high power pulse ;d0 : incremented delay (2D) ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1 ;d11: delay for disk I/O [30 msec] ;d12: delay for power switching [20 usec] ;d13: short delay [4 usec] ;inf1: 1/SW = 2 * DW ;in0: 1/(1 * SW) = 2 * DW ;nd0: 1 ;NS: 4 * n ;DS: 16 ;td1: number of experiments ;FnMODE: States-TPPI, TPPI, States or QSEQ ;Processing ;PHC0(F1): 90 ;PHC1(F1): -180 ;FCOR(F1): 1 ;$Id: cosyphpr,v 2007/05/09 09:36:59 ber Exp $