Index of /ftp/pub/bmrb/nmr_pdb_integrated_data/coordinates_restraints_chemshifts
bmrb_plus_pdb/ : BMRB entries combined with coordinate and restraint data from
matching PDB entries.
merged.csv.gz : combines chemical shifts and coordinates from the files in bmrb_plus_pdb
into single table (gzipped).
BMRB_PDB_match.csv : list of matched BMRB and PDB entry IDs with extra information.
Format of the BMRB_PDB_match.csv file:
BMRB ID, PDB ID, match score, structure experimental method, X-ray structure quality factor.
1 - BMRB and PDB entries submitted from the same session of the joint ADIT-NMR deposition
system. Residue sequence is the same in at least one entity/chain in the entries
(exact string match, same length).
4 - Experimental method is NMR in both BMRB and PDB entries. Residue sequence is the same
in at least one entity/chain in the entries (exact string match, same length).
5 - Residue sequence is the same in at least one entity/chain in BMRB and PDB entries
(exact string match, same length).