# 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/ko_cryo_CBCACONH3d.2" ;3D CBCA(CO)NH (watergate version) ; modified by S. Koshiba in 001024 ; modified by S. Koshiba in 010309 ; modified by S. Koshiba in 021128 # 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/Avance.incl" 1 ;Avance.incl ; ;avance-version (03/02/17) ;$Id: Avance1.incl,v 2003/02/25 14:48:47 ber Exp $ # 9 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/ko_cryo_CBCACONH3d.2" 2 # 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/Grad.incl" 1 ;Grad.incl - include file for Gradient Spectroscopy ; ;avance-version (02/05/31) define list EA= ;$Id: Grad1.incl,v 1.7 2002/06/12 09:04:22 ber Exp $ # 10 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/ko_cryo_CBCACONH3d.2" 2 # 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/Delay.incl" 1 ;Delay.incl - include file for commonly used delays ; ;version 00/02/07 ;general delays define delay DELTA define delay DELTA1 define delay DELTA2 define delay DELTA3 define delay DELTA4 define delay DELTA5 define delay DELTA6 define delay DELTA7 define delay DELTA8 define delay TAU define delay TAU1 define delay TAU2 define delay TAU3 define delay TAU4 define delay TAU5 ;delays for centering pulses define delay CEN_HN1 define delay CEN_HN2 define delay CEN_HN3 define delay CEN_HC1 define delay CEN_HC2 define delay CEN_HC3 define delay CEN_HC4 define delay CEN_HP1 define delay CEN_HP2 define delay CEN_CN1 define delay CEN_CN2 define delay CEN_CN3 define delay CEN_CN4 define delay CEN_CP1 define delay CEN_CP2 ;loop counters define loopcounter COUNTER define loopcounter SCALEF define loopcounter FACTOR1 define loopcounter FACTOR2 define loopcounter FACTOR3 ;$Id: Delay.incl,v 1.11 2002/06/12 09:04:22 ber Exp $ # 11 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/ko_cryo_CBCACONH3d.2" 2 ; PFG Length ;"p20=700u" ;"p19=600u" ;"p18=2.0m" ;"p16=1.7m" ;"p17=500u" ; Rectangular 180deg. Pulse "p22=p21*2.0" "p2=p1*2.0" "d7=p7" ; Transfer Delay "d3=1.1m-p24" ;tau b "d4=1.5m-p19-100u-p23/2.0" ;tau a "d22=3.3m" ;T C "d23=3.6m" ;tau c "d6=5.4m" "d16=2.25m-p17-p5-124u" "d17=4.4m" ;tau d "d27=12.4m" ;tau e "d28=d27-p15-4u-p24/2.0" "DELTA1=d22-d3-p24-p2" "DELTA2=d23" "DELTA3=d27-d17-p15-p24/2.0" ; Initial Delay of Evolution Time "d0=4u" "d20=d22-p24" "d10=6.2m-d6-p7-p15/2.0-9.5u" "d30=6.2m-p7-p15/2.0-9.5u" "in20=in0" "in30=in10" ; Centering Delay "CEN_HC2=(p23-p2)/2" "CEN_HN2=(p22-p2)/2" "CEN_CN1=(p24-p22)/2" ;number of point "l3=td1/2" "l13=td2/2" "spoff0=0" "spoff2=0" "spoff3=0" "spoff4=bf2*((cnst21-cnst23)/1000000)" "spoff5=bf2*((cnst22-cnst21)/1000000)" "spoff7=0" ; Pulse Sequence 1 ze 2 75m do:f3 3 60m 4 45m 5 60m 6 20u pl1:f1 20u pl2:f2 20u pl3:f3 d1 fq=cnst23(bf ppm):f2 50u setnmr2|0 setnmr0|34|32|33 ;------------------ ; (p13:sp0 ph20):f2 ; 5u ; ; p20:gp0 ; ; 95u ; ; 2m ;----------------- INEPT 1H -> 13C (p1 ph1):f1 5u ; p19:gp1 ; 95u ; d4 (CEN_HC2 p2 ph1):f1 (p23:sp7 ph20):f2 d4 5u ; p19:gp1 ; 95u ; (p1 ph4):f1 ;----------------- t1(13CAB) evolution and 13CB -> 13CA transfer (p13:sp0 ph21):f2 ; CAB 90deg. d0 (p24:sp4 ph20):f2 (p22 ph10):f3 ; CO 180deg. N 180deg. d3 (p2 ph8):f1 DELTA1 (p23:sp7 ph24):f2 ; CAB 180deg. d20 (p24:sp4 ph20):f2 ; BSE compensation 4u (p13:sp0 ph20):f2 (p1 ph5):f1 ; CAB 90deg. ;------------------- 13CA -> 13CO INEPT 4u 20u pl7:f1 (p7 ph2):f1 5.5u 4u cpds1:f1 (p24:sp4 ph20):f2 ; BSE compensation 4u 20u DELTA2 4u 5.5u d7 (p23:sp7 ph23):f2 ; CAB 180deg. 24u d7 5.5u 4u (p24:sp4 ph20):f2 ; CO 180deg. 4u 20u DELTA2 4u do:f1 5.5u (p7 ph3):f1 (p13:sp0 ph20):f2 ; CAB 90deg. ;----------------- ; 5u ; p18:gp5 ; Homospoil 200u ; ; 30u fq=cnst21(bf ppm):f2 (p7 ph2):f1 5.5u 4u cpds1:f1 ;----------------- 13CO -> 15N INEPT (p14:sp3 ph25):f2 ; CO 90deg. d17 (p15:sp5 ph20):f2 ; CA 180deg. DELTA3 (p24:sp2 ph20):f2 (CEN_CN1 p22 ph10):f3 ; CO 180deg. N 180deg. d28 (p15:sp5 ph20):f2 ; BSE compensation 4u (p14:sp3 ph20):f2 ; CO 90deg. ;------------------ 4u do:f1 5.5u (p7 ph3):f1 ; 5u ; p28:gp4 ; 200u ; ; ;------------------ t2(N) Constant Time evolution (13CO -> 15N) (p21 ph13):f3 ; N 90deg. (p7 ph2):f1 5.5u 4u cpds1:f1 d30 (p15:sp5 ph20):f2 ; CA 180deg. d7 5.5u 4u pl2:f2 d30 (p24:sp2 ph20):f2 (CEN_CN1 p22 ph17):f3 ; CO 180deg. N 180deg. d10 4u pl2:f2 5.5u d7 d6 (p15:sp5 ph20):f2 ; CA 180deg. d10 4u do:f1 5.5u (p7 ph3):f1 d6 (p21 ph10):f3 ;----------------- 5u ; p16:gp2 ; Homospoil 200u ; 20u pl5:f1 (p5 ph27:r):f1 20u pl1:f1 ;----------------- INEPT (15N -> 1H) (p1 ph1):f1 5u ; p17:gp3 ; 95u ; d16 pl5:f1 (p5 ph28:r):f1 4u 20u pl1:f1 (CEN_HN2 p2 ph1):f1 (p22 ph10):f3 4u 20u pl5:f1 (p5 ph28:r):f1 5u ; p17:gp3 ; 75u ; d16 pl13:f3 20u setnmr2^0 setnmr0^34^32^33 ;---------------- go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3 60m do:f3 wr #0 if #0 zd 15m ip21 lo to 3 times 2 15m id0 15m dd20 30m ip31*2 lo to 4 times l3 15m rd0 15m rd20 15m dp13 lo to 5 times 2 15m id10 15m dd30 30m ip31*2 lo to 6 times l13 30m setnmr2^0 setnmr0^34^32^33 exit ; General pulse phase ; 1H pulse phase ph1=0 ph2=1 ph3=3 ;ph4=1 3 ph4=1 ph5=2 ;ph8=1 1 3 3 ph8=0 0 2 2 ph27=2 ph28=2 ; 13C pulse phase ph20=0 ph21=0 2 ph24=0 ph23=0 ph25=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ; 15N pulse phase ph10=0 ph13=0 0 2 2 ph17=0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 ; Reciever phase ph31=0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 ;1H pulse ;pl1: 1H 90deg hard pulse @p1 ;p1: 1H 90deg hard pulse @pl1 ;pl5: 1H 90deg wfb pulse @p5 ;p5: 1H 90deg wfb pulse ~1ms (phcor27,28) ;pl7: 1H CPD pulse power @pcpd1,p7 ;p7: 1H CPD pulse ~55us @pl7 ;pcpd1: 1H CPD pulse ~55us @pl7 ;13C pulse ;pl2: 120dB ;p13:~47.5u CAB 90deg rect50 @sp0 ;p23:256u CAB 180deg G3.256 @sp7 ;p15:367u CA 180deg rSNOB @sp5 ;p14:~53u CO 90deg rect50 @sp3 ;p24:192u CO 180deg seduce @sp2,4 ;sp0:CAB 90deg rect50 @p13 ;sp7:CAB 180deg G3.256 @p23 ;sp5:CA off 180deg rSNOB @p15 ;sp3:CO 90deg rect50 @p14 ;sp2:CO 180deg seduce @p24 ;sp4:CO off 180deg seduce @p24 ;cnst21: CO chemical shift (offset, in ppm) ;cnst22: CA chemical shift (offset, in ppm) ;cnst23: CAB chemical shift (offset, in ppm) ;o2p: CAB chemical shift (cnst23) ;15N pulse ;pl13: 15N CPD pulse @pcpd3 ;pcpd3: 15N CPD pulse ~250us @pl13 ;pl3: 15N hard pulse @p21 ;p21: 15N hard pulse ~49u @pl3 ; PFG Length ;p20:homospoil 700u @gp0 ;p19:echo 600u @gp1 ;p18:homospoil 2.0m @gp5 ;p16:homospoil 1.7m @gp2 ;p28:homospoil 2.0m @gp4 ;p17:echo 800u @gp3 ;gpz0 : 15% p20 ;gpz1 : 5% p19 ;gpz2 : 40% p16 ;gpz3 : 25% p17 ;gpz4 : 40% p28 ;gpz5 : 40% p18 ;increment ;in0:13C increment ;in10:15N increment ;in20:=in0 ;in30:=in10 ;other attentions ;SPOFF2 CA(54ppm)-CAB(center freq)