COMMAND: initlib ... reading fragment definition library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/pseudecepp.lib' ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/atomname.lib' defining equivalent atom names ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/shift.lib' defining 2nd structure dependent shifts ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/spinsystem.lib' defining fragments with equivalent spin systems ... Ready. COMMAND: seed random numbers 32938 COMMAND: spectrum N15H1 COMMAND: load peaks N15H1 0 ./hs15n ... 170 peaks added, 170 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HNCA COMMAND: load peaks HNCA 1 ./hnca_ass ... 302 peaks added, 302 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HN_CO_CA COMMAND: load peaks HN_CO_CA 2 ./hncoca_spscan ... 156 peaks added, 156 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HNCO COMMAND: load peaks HNCO 3 ./hnco_ass ... 157 peaks added, 157 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum CBCANH COMMAND: load peaks CBCANH 4 ./hncacb_edit ... 551 peaks added, 551 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum C_CO_NH COMMAND: load peaks C_CO_NH 5 ./cconh_ass ... 459 peaks added, 459 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HC_CO_NH COMMAND: load peaks HC_CO_NH 6 ./hcconh_edit ... 386 peaks added, 386 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HN_CA_CO COMMAND: load peaks HN_CA_CO 7 ./hncaco_ass ... 306 peaks added, 306 peaks defined COMMAND: load sequence ./at5g39720 WARNING: Expected CB shift depends on whether CYS (reduced) or CYSS (oxidized) is used ... 173 fragments with 3227 atoms defined COMMAND: define atom probability HE(GLN) 1 ... 18 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability HD(ASN) 1 ... 24 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability HE(ARG) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability NZ(LYS) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CD(GLN) 1 ... 6 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CG(ASN) 1 ... 8 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CD(GLU) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CG(ASP) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: make coherences ... coherences generated: 2954 coherences ... 722 pseudo coherences defined COMMAND: make couplings ... 8182 scalar couplings generated COMMAND: make peaks ... N15H1 peaks generated: 202 peaks, 2954 coherences ... HNCA peaks generated: 540 peaks, 2954 coherences ... HN_CO_CA peaks generated: 705 peaks, 2954 coherences ... HNCO peaks generated: 870 peaks, 2954 coherences ... CBCANH peaks generated: 1523 peaks, 2954 coherences ... C_CO_NH peaks generated: 2031 peaks, 2954 coherences ... HC_CO_NH peaks generated: 2781 peaks, 2954 coherences ... HN_CA_CO peaks generated: 3111 peaks, 2954 coherences COMMAND: load assignments CBCANH 4 ./hncacb_ass ./at5g39720 0 ... 443 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 551 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: check inconsistencies CB(SER 14) at 61.844 has inconsistent assignments involving 246 64.351 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CB(SER 14) 39 59.337 ppm, CBCANH: HN(LEU 15) N(LEU 15) CB(SER 14) HN(SER 14) at 7.770 has inconsistent assignments involving 247 8.168 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CA(SER 14) 246 8.167 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CB(SER 14) 427 6.575 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CA(ASP- 13) 792 8.169 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CB(ASP- 13) N(SER 14) at 113.872 has inconsistent assignments involving 247 115.957 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CA(SER 14) 246 115.957 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CB(SER 14) 427 107.618 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CA(ASP- 13) 792 115.957 ppm, CBCANH: HN(SER 14) N(SER 14) CB(ASP- 13) CB(VAL 20) at 48.715 has inconsistent assignments involving 368 36.432 ppm, CBCANH: HN(VAL 20) N(VAL 20) CB(VAL 20) 677 60.999 ppm, CBCANH: HN(PHE 21) N(PHE 21) CB(VAL 20) CA(ILE 63) at 57.949 has inconsistent assignments involving 537 58.258 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ILE 63) N(ILE 63) CA(ILE 63) 191 57.640 ppm, CBCANH: HN(VAL 64) N(VAL 64) CA(ILE 63) CB(PHE 147) at 38.375 has inconsistent assignments involving 532 37.956 ppm, CBCANH: HN(PHE 147) N(PHE 147) CB(PHE 147) 790 38.793 ppm, CBCANH: HN(LYS+ 148) N(LYS+ 148) CB(PHE 147) CA(CYS 153) at 60.650 has inconsistent assignments involving 634 59.549 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CA(CYS 153) 141 61.752 ppm, CBCANH: HN(LYS+ 154) N(LYS+ 154) CA(CYS 153) CB(CYS 153) at 29.225 has inconsistent assignments involving 568 30.771 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CB(CYS 153) 796 27.679 ppm, CBCANH: HN(LYS+ 154) N(LYS+ 154) CB(CYS 153) HN(CYS 153) at 8.052 has inconsistent assignments involving 634 8.113 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CA(CYS 153) 568 8.116 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CB(CYS 153) 737 8.112 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CA(GLU- 152) 235 7.868 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CB(GLU- 152) N(CYS 153) at 119.616 has inconsistent assignments involving 634 120.641 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CA(CYS 153) 568 120.408 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CB(CYS 153) 737 120.641 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CA(GLU- 152) 235 116.772 ppm, CBCANH: HN(CYS 153) N(CYS 153) CB(GLU- 152) CA(ASP- 163) at 55.951 has inconsistent assignments involving 619 54.890 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 163) N(ASP- 163) CA(ASP- 163) 822 57.013 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 163) CB(ASP- 163) at 36.408 has inconsistent assignments involving 617 41.774 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 163) N(ASP- 163) CB(ASP- 163) 821 31.041 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 163) CA(ASP- 164) at 48.194 has inconsistent assignments involving 820 41.430 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 164) 703 54.959 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ILE 165) N(ILE 165) CA(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 164) at 41.691 has inconsistent assignments involving 156 42.013 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 164) 13 41.369 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ILE 165) N(ILE 165) CB(ASP- 164) HN(ASP- 164) at 8.438 has inconsistent assignments involving 820 8.511 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 164) 156 8.220 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 164) 822 8.511 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 163) 821 8.511 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 163) N(ASP- 164) at 121.218 has inconsistent assignments involving 820 121.740 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 164) 156 119.654 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 164) 822 121.740 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CA(ASP- 163) 821 121.740 ppm, CBCANH: HN(ASP- 164) N(ASP- 164) CB(ASP- 163) COMMAND: reset user assignments CBCANH 4 ... 1327 user assignments reset COMMAND: fix assignments *(8) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(9) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(10) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(11) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(12) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(13) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(14) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(15) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(16) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(17) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(18) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(19) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(20) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(21) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(22) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(23) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(30) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(31) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(32) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(33) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(34) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(35) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(36) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(37) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(38) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(39) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(40) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 2 coherences and 0 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(41) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(42) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(43) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(44) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(45) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(46) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(47) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(48) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 2 coherences and 0 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(49) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(50) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(51) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(52) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 7 coherences and 5 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(66) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(67) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(68) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(69) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(70) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(71) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(72) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(73) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(74) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(75) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(76) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(77) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(78) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(79) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(80) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(81) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(82) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(83) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(100) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(101) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 2 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(102) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(103) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(104) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(105) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(106) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(107) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(108) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(109) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(110) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(111) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(112) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(113) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(114) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(115) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(116) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(117) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(118) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 4 coherences and 4 peaks fixed COMMAND: fix assignments *(119) ... 503 coherence frequencies calculated ... 3 coherences and 3 peaks fixed COMMAND: criteria fragment intrainter intra 0 0 COMMAND: criteria fragment intrainter seq 1 1 COMMAND: criteria fragment correct ok COMMAND: criteria comment on ok COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okN N COMMAND: criteria comment on okN COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okHN HN COMMAND: criteria comment on okHN COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okCA CA COMMAND: criteria comment on okCA COMMAND: criteria fragment mapping map COMMAND: criteria comment on map COMMAND: criteria comment on intra COMMAND: criteria threshold intra 0.6 0.8 COMMAND: initialize optimization possibilities 100 Frequency limits for nuclei of type Proton: [ 0.68,10.15] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Carbon: [11.10,182.80] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Nitrogen: [110.00,136.73] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Phosphor: [ 0.00, 0.00] Bonus for assigned N15H1 0 peak: 2.59 Bonus for assigned HNCA 1 peak: 2.41 Bonus for assigned HN_CO_CA 2 peak: 2.69 Bonus for assigned HNCO 3 peak: 2.69 Bonus for assigned CBCANH 4 peak: 1.76 Bonus for assigned C_CO_NH 5 peak: 1.73 Bonus for assigned HC_CO_NH 6 peak: 1.34 Bonus for assigned HN_CA_CO 7 peak: 2.42 w1 of N15H1 0: 194 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [106.21,134.69] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.4465 4.4289 4.3745 4.2793 4.1365 3.9376 3.6739 3.3379 2.9250 2.4341 1.8671 1.2270 0.5173 -0.2592 -1.1007 -2.0060 | -8.0302 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5743 -0.5607 -0.5213 -0.4602 -0.3843 -0.3019 -0.2219 -0.1517 -0.0958 -0.0554 -0.0287 -0.0126 -0.0035 0.0012 0.0035 0.0045 | 0.0052 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.02 w2 of N15H1 0: 202 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.37,11.19] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.8060 4.7935 4.7548 4.6853 4.5780 4.4224 4.2064 3.9177 3.5468 3.0890 2.5451 1.9197 1.2184 0.4462 -0.3931 -1.2973 | -8.0412 penalties for degeneracies: -0.9243 -0.9055 -0.8505 -0.7637 -0.6523 -0.5267 -0.3989 -0.2813 -0.1835 -0.1101 -0.0602 -0.0294 -0.0119 -0.0028 0.0016 0.0036 | 0.0050 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.73 w1 of HNCA 1: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.19] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6932 4.6815 4.6452 4.5801 4.4787 4.3308 4.1238 3.8446 3.4824 3.0318 2.4932 1.8712 1.1719 0.4008 -0.4380 -1.3420 | -8.0399 penalties for degeneracies: -0.9917 -0.9721 -0.9147 -0.8236 -0.7062 -0.5729 -0.4361 -0.3091 -0.2026 -0.1219 -0.0667 -0.0325 -0.0130 -0.0029 0.0021 0.0043 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HNCA 1: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.78] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3688 4.3517 4.2989 4.2062 4.0667 3.8718 3.6123 3.2802 2.8707 2.3824 1.8171 1.1781 0.4690 -0.3072 -1.1486 -2.0537 | -8.0285 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6037 -0.5895 -0.5486 -0.4850 -0.4057 -0.3194 -0.2352 -0.1610 -0.1018 -0.0589 -0.0304 -0.0132 -0.0035 0.0015 0.0040 0.0051 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HNCA 1: 181 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [36.71,70.59] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.5060 4.4902 4.4416 4.3556 4.2252 4.0412 3.7933 3.4725 3.0727 2.5919 2.0317 1.3960 0.6887 -0.0866 -0.9274 -1.8324 | -8.0332 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6882 -0.6727 -0.6277 -0.5574 -0.4690 -0.3718 -0.2759 -0.1905 -0.1215 -0.0711 -0.0375 -0.0170 -0.0055 0.0005 0.0034 0.0047 | 0.0055 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.19 w1 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.58,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6627 4.6514 4.6161 4.5527 4.4538 4.3092 4.1060 3.8308 3.4725 3.0251 2.4889 1.8684 1.1700 0.3994 -0.4392 -1.3431 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0210 -1.0010 -0.9425 -0.8497 -0.7298 -0.5932 -0.4526 -0.3216 -0.2111 -0.1273 -0.0697 -0.0340 -0.0136 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.88] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3492 4.3325 4.2809 4.1901 4.0533 3.8615 3.6052 3.2764 2.8695 2.3833 1.8194 1.1813 0.4728 -0.3032 -1.1444 -2.0495 | -8.0283 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6273 -0.6127 -0.5706 -0.5051 -0.4232 -0.3337 -0.2462 -0.1688 -0.1069 -0.0619 -0.0320 -0.0139 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0041 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.98 w3 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [41.52,66.64] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3051 4.2878 4.2343 4.1405 3.9995 3.8028 3.5414 3.2075 2.7965 2.3070 1.7409 1.1014 0.3920 -0.3843 -1.2257 -2.1309 | -8.0264 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5899 -0.5759 -0.5357 -0.4733 -0.3955 -0.3109 -0.2286 -0.1562 -0.0985 -0.0567 -0.0291 -0.0123 -0.0029 0.0019 0.0043 0.0054 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.89 w1 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6631 4.6518 4.6165 4.5531 4.4543 4.3098 4.1067 3.8316 3.4734 3.0261 2.4899 1.8695 1.1711 0.4005 -0.4381 -1.3420 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0217 -1.0017 -0.9432 -0.8503 -0.7304 -0.5937 -0.4530 -0.3219 -0.2114 -0.1274 -0.0698 -0.0340 -0.0137 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.78] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3473 4.3305 4.2789 4.1880 4.0509 3.8589 3.6024 3.2733 2.8663 2.3800 1.8160 1.1778 0.4692 -0.3068 -1.1480 -2.0531 | -8.0282 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6256 -0.6111 -0.5690 -0.5036 -0.4219 -0.3327 -0.2454 -0.1683 -0.1065 -0.0616 -0.0319 -0.0138 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0042 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [170.55,179.91] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 3.6489 3.6249 3.5517 3.4265 3.2451 3.0027 2.6951 2.3193 1.8738 1.3590 0.7759 0.1260 -0.5893 -1.3687 -2.2116 -3.1174 | -7.9843 penalties for degeneracies: -0.2591 -0.2519 -0.2313 -0.2003 -0.1630 -0.1241 -0.0879 -0.0575 -0.0342 -0.0178 -0.0072 -0.0008 0.0027 0.0045 0.0054 0.0058 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 3.91 w1 of CBCANH 4: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57, 9.76] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.5401 4.5256 4.4808 4.4013 4.2797 4.1065 3.8704 3.5613 3.1718 2.6990 2.1445 1.5123 0.8071 0.0329 -0.8075 -1.7122 | -8.0350 penalties for degeneracies: -0.7742 -0.7574 -0.7085 -0.6318 -0.5346 -0.4266 -0.3189 -0.2218 -0.1425 -0.0840 -0.0448 -0.0208 -0.0072 -0.0002 0.0032 0.0048 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.31 w2 of CBCANH 4: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.62,129.31] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.2408 4.2220 4.1642 4.0632 3.9128 3.7051 3.4322 3.0875 2.6673 2.1710 1.6002 0.9578 0.2468 -0.5304 -1.3722 -2.2776 | -8.0228 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5076 -0.4952 -0.4593 -0.4040 -0.3356 -0.2621 -0.1913 -0.1297 -0.0811 -0.0462 -0.0233 -0.0094 -0.0016 0.0024 0.0043 0.0052 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.75 w3 of CBCANH 4: 350 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 1.96,74.40] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 5.2131 5.1982 5.1518 5.0696 4.9444 4.7667 4.5257 4.2117 3.8178 3.3417 2.7847 2.1510 1.4449 0.6703 -0.1703 -1.0751 | -8.0454 penalties for degeneracies: -0.7411 -0.7248 -0.6775 -0.6034 -0.5098 -0.4063 -0.3035 -0.2113 -0.1364 -0.0813 -0.0445 -0.0220 -0.0093 -0.0027 0.0004 0.0019 | 0.0029 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.95 w1 of C_CO_NH 5: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6631 4.6518 4.6165 4.5531 4.4543 4.3098 4.1067 3.8316 3.4734 3.0261 2.4899 1.8695 1.1711 0.4005 -0.4381 -1.3420 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0217 -1.0017 -0.9432 -0.8503 -0.7304 -0.5937 -0.4530 -0.3219 -0.2114 -0.1274 -0.0698 -0.0340 -0.0137 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of C_CO_NH 5: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.59,134.87] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3499 4.3332 4.2817 4.1910 4.0542 3.8625 3.6063 3.2775 2.8708 2.3846 1.8208 1.1827 0.4741 -0.3018 -1.1430 -2.0481 | -8.0283 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6279 -0.6134 -0.5712 -0.5056 -0.4237 -0.3341 -0.2465 -0.1691 -0.1071 -0.0620 -0.0321 -0.0139 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0041 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.98 w3 of C_CO_NH 5: 508 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 3.02,84.79] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 5.4579 5.4409 5.3887 5.2968 5.1584 4.9648 4.7067 4.3759 3.9676 3.4801 2.9154 2.2768 1.5679 0.7918 -0.0494 -0.9546 | -8.0473 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6176 -0.6033 -0.5618 -0.4974 -0.4170 -0.3294 -0.2438 -0.1683 -0.1079 -0.0641 -0.0350 -0.0174 -0.0075 -0.0024 0.0001 0.0012 | 0.0020 bonus spectrum frequencies: 6.08 w1 of HC_CO_NH 6: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.60,11.16] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6592 4.6479 4.6124 4.5486 4.4492 4.3039 4.0999 3.8239 3.4648 3.0167 2.4800 1.8592 1.1606 0.3899 -0.4488 -1.3527 | -8.0395 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0148 -0.9949 -0.9367 -0.8442 -0.7248 -0.5889 -0.4491 -0.3189 -0.2093 -0.1261 -0.0690 -0.0336 -0.0135 -0.0029 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.67 w2 of HC_CO_NH 6: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [108.22,134.81] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3361 4.3192 4.2671 4.1754 4.0373 3.8440 3.5862 3.2558 2.8477 2.3605 1.7959 1.1574 0.4485 -0.3275 -1.1688 -2.0739 | -8.0277 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6159 -0.6015 -0.5599 -0.4954 -0.4147 -0.3267 -0.2408 -0.1650 -0.1043 -0.0603 -0.0311 -0.0134 -0.0035 0.0017 0.0042 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.95 w3 of HC_CO_NH 6: 750 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [-1.09, 7.23] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 5.7406 5.7222 5.6656 5.5666 5.4189 5.2142 4.9445 4.6027 4.1851 3.6906 3.1210 2.4794 1.7689 0.9919 0.1502 -0.7552 | -8.0492 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5348 -0.5220 -0.4848 -0.4275 -0.3565 -0.2799 -0.2059 -0.1414 -0.0903 -0.0536 -0.0294 -0.0147 -0.0065 -0.0023 -0.0002 0.0007 | 0.0013 bonus spectrum frequencies: 6.28 w1 of HN_CA_CO 7: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.58,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6619 4.6506 4.6153 4.5517 4.4528 4.3080 4.1046 3.8292 3.4707 3.0232 2.4869 1.8663 1.1679 0.3972 -0.4414 -1.3453 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0196 -0.9996 -0.9412 -0.8485 -0.7287 -0.5922 -0.4518 -0.3210 -0.2107 -0.1270 -0.0696 -0.0339 -0.0136 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HN_CA_CO 7: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.72,134.82] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3463 4.3296 4.2779 4.1869 4.0498 3.8576 3.6010 3.2718 2.8647 2.3783 1.8142 1.1760 0.4674 -0.3086 -1.1498 -2.0549 | -8.0281 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6247 -0.6102 -0.5682 -0.5029 -0.4213 -0.3322 -0.2450 -0.1680 -0.1063 -0.0615 -0.0318 -0.0138 -0.0036 0.0016 0.0042 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HN_CA_CO 7: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [169.68,182.73] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 3.9067 3.8844 3.8161 3.6986 3.5268 3.2949 2.9976 2.6308 2.1925 1.6829 1.1031 0.4553 -0.2588 -1.0376 -1.8802 -2.7859 | -8.0037 penalties for degeneracies: -0.3332 -0.3243 -0.2988 -0.2601 -0.2131 -0.1637 -0.1173 -0.0779 -0.0474 -0.0258 -0.0118 -0.0034 0.0013 0.0037 0.0049 0.0054 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.24 COMMAND: determine equivalent peaks Initializing 1 Initializing 2 Initializing 3 Initializing 4 Initializing 5 Initializing 6 Initializing 7 Initializing 8 Initializing 9 Initializing 10 Initializing 11 Initializing 12 Initializing 13 Initializing 14 Initializing 15 Initializing 16 Initializing 17 Initializing 18 Initializing 19 Initializing 20 Initializing 21 Initializing 22 Initializing 23 Initializing 24 Initializing 25 Initializing 26 Initializing 27 Initializing 28 Initializing 29 Initializing 30 Initializing 31 Initializing 32 Initializing 33 Initializing 34 Initializing 35 Initializing 36 Initializing 37 Initializing 38 Initializing 39 Initializing 40 Initializing 41 Initializing 42 Initializing 43 Initializing 44 Initializing 45 Initializing 46 Initializing 47 Initializing 48 Initializing 49 Initializing 50 Iteration Schedule Score Best Avg Mutations ================================================================ 1 0.00 14.88 ******** 7.58 12.61 2 0.00 14.82 14.88 7.73 11.89 3 0.00 15.18 14.88 7.88 18.96 4 0.00 15.17 15.18 8.03 12.64 5 0.00 15.30 15.18 8.19 11.09 6 0.00 15.23 15.30 8.34 14.38 7 0.00 15.03 15.30 8.49 16.60 8 0.00 15.20 15.30 8.64 14.94 9 0.00 15.13 15.30 8.79 14.88 10 0.00 15.28 15.30 8.95 10.27 11 0.00 15.27 15.30 9.10 17.65 12 0.00 15.23 15.30 9.25 16.15 13 0.00 15.21 15.30 9.40 14.30 14 0.00 15.26 15.30 9.56 14.73 15 0.00 15.22 15.30 9.71 14.73 16 0.00 15.17 15.30 9.86 13.23 17 0.00 15.06 15.30 10.01 15.03 18 0.00 15.21 15.30 10.16 15.11 19 0.00 15.08 15.30 10.31 15.85 20 0.00 14.99 15.30 10.46 15.94 21 0.00 15.19 15.30 10.61 16.63 22 0.00 15.27 15.30 10.77 16.38 23 0.00 15.19 15.30 10.92 14.11 24 0.00 15.22 15.30 11.07 13.21 25 0.00 15.14 15.30 11.22 14.73 26 0.00 15.19 15.30 11.37 13.20 27 0.00 15.24 15.30 11.53 15.26 28 0.00 15.41 15.30 11.68 10.96 29 0.00 15.24 15.41 11.83 13.71 30 0.00 15.21 15.41 11.99 18.94 31 0.00 15.28 15.41 12.14 13.89 32 0.00 15.18 15.41 12.29 15.51 33 0.00 15.26 15.41 12.44 16.93 34 0.00 15.37 15.41 12.60 12.45 35 0.00 15.25 15.41 12.75 9.96 36 0.00 15.15 15.41 12.90 13.92 37 0.00 15.16 15.41 13.05 11.56 38 0.00 15.18 15.41 13.20 15.74 39 0.00 15.23 15.41 13.36 15.93 40 0.00 15.18 15.41 13.51 13.33 41 0.00 15.08 15.41 13.66 14.52 42 0.00 15.18 15.41 13.81 11.94 43 0.00 15.42 15.41 13.96 17.99 44 0.00 15.33 15.42 14.12 14.41 45 0.00 15.19 15.42 14.27 17.24 46 0.00 15.17 15.42 14.42 12.41 47 0.00 15.21 15.42 14.57 14.69 48 0.00 15.19 15.42 14.73 13.87 49 0.00 15.47 15.42 14.88 14.45 50 0.00 15.19 15.47 15.03 15.38 51 0.00 15.39 15.47 15.04 8.61 52 0.00 15.50 15.47 15.04 9.58 53 0.00 15.41 15.50 15.05 9.57 54 0.00 15.22 15.50 15.05 9.33 55 0.00 15.43 15.50 15.06 9.74 56 0.00 15.43 15.50 15.07 10.96 57 0.00 15.38 15.50 15.07 9.39 58 0.00 15.22 15.50 15.07 10.09 59 0.00 15.31 15.50 15.08 9.24 60 0.00 15.31 15.50 15.09 10.95 61 0.00 15.40 15.50 15.10 13.17 62 0.00 15.30 15.50 15.10 9.83 63 0.00 15.44 15.50 15.11 8.96 64 0.00 15.24 15.50 15.11 7.77 65 0.00 15.12 15.50 15.12 11.62 66 0.00 15.25 15.50 15.12 9.02 67 0.00 15.15 15.50 15.12 10.91 68 0.00 15.33 15.50 15.13 9.77 69 0.00 15.15 15.50 15.13 7.86 70 0.00 15.37 15.50 15.14 12.42 71 0.00 15.35 15.50 15.14 11.66 72 0.00 15.51 15.50 15.15 12.56 73 0.00 15.28 15.51 15.15 8.94 74 0.00 15.45 15.51 15.16 8.65 75 0.00 15.38 15.51 15.16 10.63 76 0.00 15.08 15.51 15.17 11.72 77 0.00 15.41 15.51 15.17 9.01 78 0.00 15.30 15.51 15.18 12.54 79 0.00 15.31 15.51 15.18 11.11 80 0.00 15.32 15.51 15.19 7.85 81 0.00 15.29 15.51 15.19 8.81 82 0.00 15.43 15.51 15.19 8.48 83 0.00 15.27 15.51 15.20 10.60 84 0.00 15.21 15.51 15.20 7.93 85 0.00 15.42 15.51 15.20 7.74 86 0.00 15.35 15.51 15.21 11.38 87 0.00 15.32 15.51 15.21 13.32 88 0.00 15.26 15.51 15.21 9.81 89 0.00 15.30 15.51 15.22 13.73 90 0.00 15.46 15.51 15.22 10.21 91 0.00 15.28 15.51 15.22 10.57 92 0.00 15.26 15.51 15.23 7.18 93 0.00 15.33 15.51 15.23 10.05 94 0.00 15.34 15.51 15.24 9.55 95 0.00 15.25 15.51 15.24 12.46 96 0.00 15.31 15.51 15.24 12.93 97 0.00 15.31 15.51 15.25 10.67 98 0.00 15.31 15.51 15.25 10.04 99 0.00 15.43 15.51 15.26 13.85 100 0.00 15.38 15.51 15.26 10.75 101 0.00 15.43 15.51 15.27 9.96 102 0.00 15.27 15.51 15.27 9.93 103 0.00 15.53 15.51 15.27 10.84 104 0.00 15.43 15.53 15.28 8.97 105 0.00 15.47 15.53 15.28 8.51 106 0.00 15.22 15.53 15.28 12.85 107 0.00 15.28 15.53 15.28 13.16 108 0.00 15.53 15.53 15.28 12.36 109 0.00 15.53 15.53 15.29 9.51 110 0.00 15.24 15.53 15.29 9.91 111 0.00 15.30 15.53 15.29 9.74 112 0.00 15.30 15.53 15.29 8.38 113 0.00 15.41 15.53 15.29 11.64 114 0.00 15.26 15.53 15.29 8.78 115 0.00 15.37 15.53 15.29 6.47 116 0.00 15.26 15.53 15.29 11.25 117 0.00 15.37 15.53 15.30 10.13 118 0.00 15.31 15.53 15.30 8.33 119 0.00 15.19 15.53 15.30 8.41 120 0.00 15.46 15.53 15.30 7.46 121 0.00 15.44 15.53 15.31 8.90 122 0.00 15.42 15.53 15.31 4.07 123 0.00 15.41 15.53 15.31 8.87 124 0.00 15.42 15.53 15.31 12.05 125 0.00 15.32 15.53 15.31 8.62 126 0.00 15.21 15.53 15.31 8.68 127 0.00 15.46 15.53 15.32 10.40 128 0.00 15.27 15.53 15.31 6.74 129 0.00 15.28 15.53 15.32 10.72 130 0.00 15.31 15.53 15.32 10.62 131 0.00 15.62 15.53 15.32 8.05 132 0.00 15.25 15.62 15.32 7.10 133 0.00 15.50 15.62 15.32 12.05 134 0.00 15.35 15.62 15.32 11.05 135 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.32 7.86 136 0.00 15.27 15.62 15.33 9.43 137 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.33 9.77 138 0.00 15.32 15.62 15.33 8.49 139 0.00 15.30 15.62 15.33 10.54 140 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.33 9.70 141 0.00 15.43 15.62 15.34 10.30 142 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.34 7.92 143 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.34 9.32 144 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.34 6.60 145 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.34 7.59 146 0.00 15.38 15.62 15.34 13.02 147 0.00 15.51 15.62 15.35 5.06 148 0.00 15.46 15.62 15.35 7.56 149 0.00 15.28 15.62 15.35 9.60 150 0.00 15.31 15.62 15.35 8.45 151 0.00 15.31 15.62 15.35 7.68 152 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.35 7.77 153 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.35 7.61 154 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.35 9.71 155 0.00 15.25 15.62 15.35 10.70 156 0.00 15.24 15.62 15.35 9.52 157 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.35 9.46 158 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.35 10.05 159 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.35 6.96 160 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.35 7.29 161 0.00 15.49 15.62 15.35 8.45 162 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.35 10.19 163 0.00 15.54 15.62 15.36 8.34 164 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.36 9.34 165 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.36 13.49 166 0.00 15.51 15.62 15.36 7.84 167 0.00 15.29 15.62 15.36 7.42 168 0.00 15.38 15.62 15.36 10.56 169 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.37 11.14 170 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.37 7.65 171 0.00 15.49 15.62 15.37 6.28 172 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.37 9.07 173 0.00 15.54 15.62 15.37 6.01 174 0.00 15.43 15.62 15.37 8.71 175 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.37 10.82 176 0.00 15.35 15.62 15.37 7.73 177 0.00 15.44 15.62 15.37 12.77 178 0.00 15.29 15.62 15.37 7.82 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210 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.40 7.94 211 0.00 15.31 15.62 15.40 7.15 212 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.40 9.05 213 0.00 15.43 15.62 15.40 8.32 214 0.00 15.44 15.62 15.41 9.27 215 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.41 7.52 216 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.41 6.30 217 0.00 15.49 15.62 15.41 6.58 218 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.41 7.66 219 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.41 7.47 220 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.41 8.20 221 0.00 15.19 15.62 15.41 9.26 222 0.00 15.57 15.62 15.41 6.15 223 0.00 15.37 15.62 15.41 7.98 224 0.00 15.62 15.62 15.41 4.43 225 0.00 15.35 15.62 15.41 8.24 226 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.42 8.70 227 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.41 11.41 228 0.00 15.37 15.62 15.42 8.18 229 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.42 8.83 230 0.00 15.31 15.62 15.42 9.20 231 0.00 15.38 15.62 15.42 8.94 232 0.00 15.56 15.62 15.42 5.65 233 0.00 15.54 15.62 15.42 6.12 234 0.00 15.38 15.62 15.42 9.02 235 0.00 15.46 15.62 15.42 7.34 236 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.42 10.69 237 0.00 15.51 15.62 15.42 8.08 238 0.00 15.23 15.62 15.42 9.07 239 0.00 15.28 15.62 15.42 6.91 240 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.42 5.20 241 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.42 10.85 242 0.00 15.31 15.62 15.42 10.30 243 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.42 10.07 244 0.00 15.32 15.62 15.42 5.91 245 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.42 11.25 246 0.00 15.57 15.62 15.42 5.01 247 0.00 15.49 15.62 15.42 6.56 248 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.42 5.15 249 0.00 15.57 15.62 15.42 7.28 250 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.42 6.60 251 0.00 15.28 15.62 15.42 10.43 252 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.42 8.89 253 0.00 15.55 15.62 15.42 9.49 254 0.00 15.52 15.62 15.43 4.92 255 0.00 15.37 15.62 15.43 4.50 256 0.00 15.43 15.62 15.43 7.45 257 0.00 15.52 15.62 15.43 6.90 258 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.43 4.18 259 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.43 7.98 260 0.00 15.49 15.62 15.43 11.94 261 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.43 5.77 262 0.00 15.30 15.62 15.43 16.69 263 0.00 15.36 15.62 15.43 6.46 264 0.00 15.54 15.62 15.43 6.51 265 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.43 6.82 266 0.00 15.45 15.62 15.43 7.11 267 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.43 7.53 268 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.43 10.94 269 0.00 15.50 15.62 15.43 6.37 270 0.00 15.58 15.62 15.43 9.19 271 0.00 15.59 15.62 15.43 6.40 272 0.00 15.43 15.62 15.43 6.04 273 0.00 15.30 15.62 15.43 8.33 274 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.43 13.73 275 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.43 6.68 276 0.00 15.46 15.62 15.43 6.37 277 0.00 15.29 15.62 15.43 5.47 278 0.00 15.39 15.62 15.43 6.91 279 0.00 15.62 15.62 15.44 9.20 280 0.00 15.35 15.62 15.43 7.60 281 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.44 5.98 282 0.00 15.42 15.62 15.43 5.66 283 0.00 15.50 15.62 15.44 8.07 284 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.43 10.39 285 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.44 8.99 286 0.00 15.40 15.62 15.44 5.12 287 0.00 15.20 15.62 15.43 11.44 288 0.00 15.59 15.62 15.43 7.56 289 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.43 10.85 290 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.44 9.15 291 0.00 15.44 15.62 15.44 7.03 292 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.43 6.37 293 0.00 15.50 15.62 15.43 6.85 294 0.00 15.41 15.62 15.43 9.56 295 0.00 15.53 15.62 15.44 6.79 296 0.00 15.47 15.62 15.44 7.24 297 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.44 4.06 298 0.00 15.34 15.62 15.44 6.14 299 0.00 15.50 15.62 15.44 6.91 300 0.00 15.48 15.62 15.44 7.40 301 0.00 15.37 15.62 15.44 7.88 302 0.00 15.46 15.62 15.44 6.48 303 0.00 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