Directory : Cycle : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Peaks: selected : 4588 4588 4588 4588 4588 4588 4588 with assignment : 3257 3246 3161 3179 3154 3134 3114 without assignment : 1331 1342 1427 1409 1434 1454 1474 with diagonal assignment : 461 465 465 465 465 465 465 Cross peaks: with off-diagonal assignment : 2796 2781 2696 2714 2689 2669 2649 with unique assignment : 916 2227 2323 2366 2434 2466 2456 with short-range assignment |i-j|<=1: 2027 2040 2017 2013 1997 1980 1976 with medium-range assignment 1<|i-j|<5 : 294 253 218 232 223 216 216 with long-range assignment |i-j|>=5: 475 488 461 469 469 473 457 Comparison with reference assignment: Cross peaks with reference assignment : 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 with identical reference assignment : 677 1529 1614 1633 1676 1698 1696 with compatible reference assignment : 1858 1922 1888 1889 1862 1848 1834 with incompatible reference assignment : 36 48 58 60 75 80 84 with additional reference assignment : 139 59 83 80 92 101 111 with additional assignment : 902 811 750 765 752 741 731 Upper distance limits: total : 1890 1662 1548 1553 1512 1482 1495 1522 short-range, |i-j|<=1 : 1137 1001 957 939 913 887 878 894 medium-range, 1<|i-j|<5 : 470 380 199 213 201 194 208 209 long-range, |i-j|>=5 : 283 281 392 401 398 401 409 419 Average assignments/constraint : 3.74 1.75 1.17 1.16 1.12 1.09 1.00 1.00 Average target function value : 278.52 63.35 72.63 12.52 5.53 3.68 3.39 1.64 RMSD (residues 18..164): Average backbone RMSD to mean : 10.89 11.64 10.80 10.05 10.04 10.72 9.32 10.42 Average heavy atom RMSD to mean : 11.29 11.97 10.97 10.39 10.30 11.06 9.64 10.72