Title: HNHA-coupl

It's a 3D heteronuclear (1H-15N-1H) shift correlation double resonance
experiment to measure the 3J(HN-HA) coupling constants from the ratio
of NH-NH-diagonal peak to NH-HA-cross peak intensities. 
These peaks appear separated by their 15N frequency with opposite signs.

Spectrometer: Varian Unity Plus 600 MHz

Pulse sequence: hnhacoupl.c

Literature reference: Vuister, G. W. & Bax, A.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 7772-7777

BMRB Pulse Sequence Accession Number: 43

Authors: Sonja Dames	 
	 Ronald Wiltscheck
	 Biozentrum, University of Basel
	 Klingelbergstr. 70
	 CH-4056 Basel
		 [email protected]
		 [email protected]		
	www home page:
	phone: 	++41-61/267-2091
	fax:	++41-61/267-2190

Parameters: hnhacoupl.par.tar (Unix Tape Archive)